She Pivots with Shannon Watts

Shannon Watts had been a stay-at-home mom for five years when she turned on the TV to see horror unfolding at an elementary school in Newtown, Connecticut. After witnessing the aftermath of the murder of 20 children and 6 adults on that cold day in December, Shannon knew she had to channel her rage into action. What started as a Facebook page called One Million Moms for Gun Control eventually became Moms Demand Action, one of the leading advocacy groups in the country fighting our country’s gun violence epidemic. In this episode of She Pivots, Shannon recounts:

  • Growing up with ADHD and finding her passion for journalism

  • Leaving behind her successful PR career to prioritize her kids

  • The lessons learned from losing the vote on universal background checks

  • The importance of diversity in leadership

  • What’s next for her after stepping down as CEO of Moms Demand Action


She Pivots with Jennifer Esposito


She Pivots with Julia Haart